Hawaii Wedding Invitations – Bradley & Lily Fine Stationery

Looking for Hawaii wedding invitations? Look no further than Bradley & Lily Fine Stationery right here in Honolulu, Hawaii!

There’s no doubt that I’ve thought a lot in recent years about what my wedding would be like. I’ve thought about where it would be, how many people I’d like in attendance, and whether it would be formal or casual. Of course, you never really know until it’s time to plan your wedding. For me and Loretta, our engagement wasn’t very long, so we didn’t have much time to figure things out. Fortunately, we agreed on just about everything.

Most decisions were fairly easy. Like choosing our stationer — Stacey and Ian at Bradley & Lily Fine Stationery. When it was time to design, however, we were stumped. We never really thought about what our “theme” would be!

There were just a couple of things that we knew for sure. First, I love orange, so we would incorporate a lot of orange into our details. Second, Loretta loves palm trees. She’s completely obsessed, I must say. I suppose being from Canada might have something to do with it. Perhaps it just makes her feel like she’s on vacation when she sees them. 🙂

It’s quite interesting how much of your personality goes into your wedding invitation. Personally, I’m more of a conservative, classic type of guy, while Loretta is more on the “cheery” side. To keep things simple, we chose a sans serif type against a natural white paper. Then we chose a light blue to complement the orange. In the end, our stationery was predominantly blue, with a splash or orange here and there. To be honest, as long as we had orange on it, I would be happy. 🙂

When viewing the images below, please note that they were all shot with the Instagram app on my iPhone using natural window light. While you may see some inconsistencies with the colors, they are generally quite accurate.

Here are some images of our invitation collection, starting with the custom letterpress invitation card, complete with hand-painted edges in orange.

Hawaii Wedding Invitations

Hawaii Wedding Invitation - Letterpress

We ended up with a total of three logos, two of which you’ll see in this post. Here’s the first one, which we used on the RSVP info card.

Hawaii Wedding Stationery

We also included a map, labeled with some of our favorite spots on the island, so our guests could use as a reference while they vacationed on Oahu before and/or after the wedding.

Hawaii Custom Stationery

Here is a close-up of our 2nd logo. The 3rd logo is a variation on this design, which includes our names, date, and location.

Wedding Stationery

Our venue was distinctly marked with an orange heart. 🙂

Wedding Invitations Hawaii

And of course, no invitation is complete without custom postage!

Custom Wedding Postage

If you’re looking to create your own Hawaii wedding invitations, Bradley & Lily Fine Stationery does exceptional work. Their work can be seen at South Shore Paperie, Stacey and Ian’s very own storefront, which was recently named Best Stationery Store in the Best of Honolulu 2012 issue of Honolulu Magazine.

Thanks again to Stacey & Ian for our beautiful stationery!!! 🙂