Kicking it with Lina – Santa Monica, CA

By September 25, 2009 Portraits 2 Comments

There have been times where I’ve planned a shoot only to find out at the last minute that it wasn’t going to happen. And sometimes I get called at the last minute and show up with my camera with no plan at all. My last session with Lina was one of those latter instances.

Lina and I have worked with each other on a few occasions, and three years have passed since our last photo shoot. In recent months, we threw around the idea of shooting again, but we never really discussed any specific ideas. One day, we committed to actually doing something, and less than a week later I found myself in the car with Lina wandering aimlessly for the first five minutes. After learning what she had in mind, I tossed up the idea of going to the beach, and we immediately changed directions.

In just 70 minutes of shooting, we were able to produce a variety of images. I took the liberty of using one of them to create a mock-up of a book/DVD cover layout, since I think some of the images have potential for stock usage. Again, it’s a mock-up, so don’t expect to find it in case you have the urge to search for it. 🙂

I’m a bit torn between the first two images, although I do see them as being used for different purposes — hence the different treatments in tone and color. If you care to vote for a particular one over the other, I would love to hear your comments on which one you like and why.





